*CAUTION: Beacuse of adverse impact of COVID-19 in courier industry, your parcel may get delayed for delivery to you. Kindly bear with us. gladly accepts online Thai products orders from all around the globe. Available Thailand product lines, shipping rates and fees may vary depending on the delivery address for your online order.To see the shipping rate information specific to your order's destination, click the link for your country at the shipping query.Your online buy products may be subject to the customs fees and import duties of the country to which you have your order shipped. These charges are always the recipient's responsibility. Please go through your country import regulation, restrictions and duty structure before purchase to avoid any issue is not responsible for any limitation of importing country. LimitationsFor products buy online and shipped internationally, please note that manufacturer warranty may not be valid; manufacturer service options may not be available; product manuals, instructions and safety warnings may not be in destination country languages; the products (and accompanying materials) may not be designed in accordance with destination country standards, specifications, and labeling requirements; and the products may not conform to destination country voltage and other electrical standards (requiring use of an adapter or converter if appropriate). You are responsible for assuring that the online product can be lawfully imported to the destination country. When ordering from, the recipient is the importer of record and must comply with all laws and regulations of the destination country. PrivacyYour privacy is important to us, and we know that you care about how information about your order is used and shared. We would like our international customers and customers shipping products internationally to be aware that cross-border shipments are subject to opening and inspection by customs authorities.Also, we may provide certain order, shipment, and product information, such as titles, to our international carriers, and such information may be communicated by the carriers to customs authorities in order to facilitate customs clearance and comply with local laws.If the order is a gift, the package is marked "Gift," but the cost of the item shall be stated on the customs form (if required)Customs authorities may require the value of the gift item to be stated directly on the package. Returns & ReplacementsThe above terms also apply to the shipment of any replacement product that might be shipped if there is a problem with the original shipment. If you return a product to us, you will be the exporter from the destination country. Title and risk of loss transfer to us upon receipt at our fulfillment centers. Customs, Duties, and TaxesBuy online Thai products that are shipped to countries outside of theThailand may be subject to import taxes, customs duties and fees levied by the destination country ("Import Fees"). The recipient of an international shipment may be subject to such Import Fees, which are levied once a shipment reaches your country. Additional charges for customs clearance must be borne by the recipient; we have no control over these charges and cannot predict what they may be. Customs policies vary widely from country to country; you should contact your local customs office for further information. When customs clearance procedures are required, it can cause delays beyond our original delivery estimates. Receipient of goods must know rules and regulation of his or, importing country before buy Thailand products online and order of goods. is not reposible for any consiquences because of violation of rules and regulation of importing country. Shipping Rates by countryWhen online orders shipped internationally reach the destination country, they may be subject to customs clearance procedures, which can cause delays beyond original delivery estimates. Click the links here for shipping rates. Estimated Transit Time for ShippingWe accept shipping via Thailand Post SAL, EMS (Express mail shipping), Airmail or, well known international courier services as DHL / UPS / Fedex / TNT etc. Estimated transit time is given below on the basis of continent. Buy online Thai products and may intimate your specific mode of shipping in remark.Continent | Approx. Transit Time (min.-max. Days)* | Approx. Transit Time (Best way "Thailand Post SUR" min-max Days)* |
Asia | 3-7 | 15-40 |
Australia | 4-10 | 30-60 |
Europe | 5-12 | 30-60 |
Africa | 5-15 | 30-60 |
North America | 5-15 | 45-75 |
South America | 5-15 | 45-75 |
Afghanistan | Benin | Singapore |
Albania | Bermuda | Slovakia |
Algeria | Bhutan | Slovenia |
American Samoa | Bolivia | Solomon Islands |
Andorra | Bosnia and Herzegovina | South Africa |
Angola | Botswana | South Korea |
Anguilla | Brazil | Spain |
Antigua and Barbuda | British Virgin Island | Sri Lanka |
Argentina | Brunei | ST Martin |
Armenia | Bulgaria | Suriname |
Aruba | Burkina Faso | Swaziland |
Australia | Burundi | Sweden |
Austria | Cambodia | Switzerland |
Azerbaijan | Cameroon | Syria |
Azores | Canada | Taiwan |
Bahamas | Canary Island | Tajikistan |
Bahrain | Cape Verde | Tanzania |
Bangladesh | Cayman Islands | Thailand |
Barbados | Central African Republic | Togo |
Belarus | Chad | Tonga |
Belgium | Moldova | Trinidad and Tobago |
Belize | Monaco | Tunisia |
Benin | Mongolia | Turkey |
Bermuda | Montserrat | Turkmenistan |
Bhutan | Morocco | Turks & Caicos Islands |
Bolivia | Mozambique | Tuvalu |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Myanmar | Uganda |
Botswana | Namibia | Ukraine |
Brazil | Nepal | United Arab Emirates |
British Virgin Island | Netherlands Antilles | United Kingdom |
Brunei | Netherlands | United States |
Bulgaria | New Caledonia | Uruguay |
Burkina Faso | New Zealand | Uzbekistan |
Burundi | Nicaragua | Vanuatu |
Cambodia | Niger | Vatican City |
Cameroon | Nigeria | Venezuela |
Canada | Norfolk Islands | Vietnam |
Canary Island | North Korea | Wallis & Futuna |
Cape Verde | Norway | Yemen |
Cayman Islands | Oman | Zambia |
Central African Republic | Pakistan | Zimbabwe |
Chad | Palau | Equatorial Guinea |
Chile | Palestine | Eritrea |
China | Panama | Estonia |
Colombia | Papua New Guinea | Ethiopia |
Comoros | Paraguay | Faeroe Islands |
Congo | Peru | Federated States of Micronesia |
Cook Island | Philippines | Fiji |
Costa Rica | Poland | Finland |
Côte D Ivoire | Portugal | France |
Croatia | Puerto Rico | French Guiana |
Cyprus | Qatar | French Guiana |
Czech Republic | Republic of the Congo | French Polynesia |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | Reunion Island | Gabon |
Denmark | Romania | Gambia |
Djibouti | Russia | Georgia |
Dominica | Rwanda | Germany |
Dominican Republic | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Ghana |
East Timor | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Gibral Tar |
Ecuador | Saint Lucia | Greece |
Egypt | Saipan | Greenland |
El Salvador | Samoa | Grenada |
Equatorial Guinea | San Marino | Guadeloupe |
Eritrea | Saudi Arabia | Iraq |
Estonia | Senegal | Ireland |
Ethiopia | Serbia and Montenegro | Israel |
Faeroe Islands | Seychelles | Italy |
Federated States of Micronesia | Sierra Leone | Ivory Coast |
Fiji | Chile | Jamaica |
Finland | China | Japan |
France | Colombia | Jersey |
French Guiana | Comoros | Jordan |
French Guiana | Congo | Kazakhstan |
French Polynesia | Cook Island | Kenya |
Gabon | Costa Rica | Kiribati |
Gambia | Côte D Ivoire | Kuwait |
Georgia | Croatia | Kyrgyzstan |
Germany | Cyprus | Laos |
Ghana | Czech Republic | Latvia |
Gibral Tar | Democratic Republic of the Congo | Lebanon |
Greece | Denmark | Lesotho |
Greenland | Djibouti | Liberia |
Grenada | Dominica | Libya |
Guadeloupe | Dominican Republic | Liechtenstein |
Guam | East Timor | Lithuania |
Guatemala | Ecuador | Luxembourg |
Guernsey | Egypt | Macau |
Guinea | El Salvador | Macedonia |
Guinea-Bissau | Madagascar | |
Guyana | Madera | |
Haiti | Malawi | |
Holland | Malaysia | |
Honduras | Maldives | |
Hong Kong | Mali | |
Hungary | Malta | |
Iceland | Mariana Island | |
India | Marshall Islands | |
Indonesia | Mauritania | |
Iraq | Mauritius | |
Ireland | Mexico | |
Israel | Micronesia |